Kristi Kanine Pet Sitting Services

We'll care for your pets

the same way you do.

We love your pets.

Kristi Kanine Pet Sitting ​Services is one of Arizona's top ​East Valley pet sitting ​providers and pampering ​services. We have served many ​East Valley client's and are ​currently expanding to the ​West Valley!

Kristi Kanine Pet Sitting ​Services specializes in ​providing top-tier pet sitting ​experiences. We are patient, ​highly intuitive, and ​experienced with anxious, ​reactive, brachycephalic, and ​special needs pets.

Our Services

African American man petting cute dog while drinking coffee at home


pet sitting


We offer safe, convenient, ​and continuous one-on-one ​care for your pet in the ​comfort of your home while ​you're ​away.

Cheerful woman petting dog on countryside road

dog walking

We'll make sure your dog ​stays active and in tip-top ​shape. Specific protocols ​are implemented for ​Brachycephalic breeds.

Dog Playing with a Basketball


(Drop in, extended Drop in,

house sitting tasks,

Special requests, etc)

We are able to accommodate ​each client's needs and ​ensure a customized ​experience and pampering ​for your pet(s)!

Our pets' lives revolve around us. Let's give back to them as much as they give us.

Kristi Kanine​,


Featured Clients


LouieB, a young 200lb Saint Bernard, ​faces challenges with reactivity and ​severe allergies. The Kanine Krew ​adeptly ensures his and others' safety ​during daily walks and collaborates to ​reduce his reactivity.

Giant breeds are welcome!


Comin In At 14 Years Young. This Silly Girl Has Had A Bilateral ​Enucleation & Although She Is Blind - It Is Clear To See She Is ​PRECIOUS!

Zoey Is Such A Happy Girl & Navigates Very Well. She's Such A ​Snuggle Love Bug & She Is SO Sweet... (But Not Too Sweet, Sugar - This ​Girl Is Diabetic! 😉💉) We'll Be Assisting With Her Insulin Management ​And She'll Be Stealing Our Hearts, One Alien Scream At A Time 🤣👽

Special Needs Welcome!


Alice & PEggy

Testimonials are short quotes from people who love your brand. It's a great way to convince customers to try your services.

Meet My Smallest & Oldest Client, Lijah! Lijah Is A Mighty 3.5lbs ​& Is 18 Years Old! He Was Terribly Abused & Was Found Being ​Severely Beaten - But His Mommy Put All That Behind Him & ​Adopted Him. Lijah Is Very Reactive, Especially With Men And ​Is Very Untrusting To Anyone But His Mommy And Cannot Be ​Touched On His Face. Lijah's Mommy rescued him and entrusted ​us here at Kristi Kanine Pet Sitting Services with his care. We ​walked in the door, and he immediately took to us. Both Derek ​and I have had the privilege of interacting with Lijah, ​showering him with affection and care, and fostering a bond as ​though we have known him for a lifetime. Lijah is truly a ​cherished companion, and we eagerly anticipate the ​opportunity to further establish trust and companionship with ​him.

Anxious, prior abuse, blindness, deafness? No problem!

A Woman Sitting in a Park with her Dog

Phone Number


Email Address
